Fight Night 87 Arlovski vs Overeem
It’s not often that 2 fighters from the same gym fight each other, although it does happen from time to time, both fighters are representing Jackson-Winklejohn MMA Camp.
UFC Fight Night 87’s main event will pit the number 3 ranked Overeem against the number 5 ranked Arlovski in Rotterdam. When asked about his relationship with Overeem, Arlovski said “There’s no relationship,”
The “Pitbull” believes Overeem broke the unwritten team rule when he requested to fight Arlovski “He put Greg Jackson and Mike Winklejohn in a spot. In my opinion, it’s not right,” said Arlovski.
While Andre & Alistair were never the best of friends, the animosity is greater now than ever before.
Arlovski says it’s now personal between him and Overeem, and said that he will never spar or train with Overeem again.
“Absolutely not,” he said when asked about the possibility. “Absolutely not. No.”
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